just us girlfriends
Just Us Girlfriends
Lucie is a professional coach and a member of the International Coach Federation.

Lucie has completed training in Laser Coaching and has recently put into practice this innovative technique within the government pilot project "Dial-A-Coach".  She is currently completing specialization as a business and life Coach.

Lucie is a cheerful, energetic, enthusiastic, positive individual who takes pride in helping people attain their goals.  She believes that everyone is unique and possesses the inner abilities to develop and create their full potential. 

Therefore, she customizes her approach to each person she coaches.  With one person she might offer ideas, with another she might suggest strategies and/or resources, with someone else she might just listen and be a sounding board or pump up their self-confidence.

Gently, and sometimes firmly (and always with permission), she holds people accountable to their best selves and makes bold requests to advance their goals. Lucie believes whole-heartedly in your ability to create and her ability to use various approaches in helping you appreciate and valorize the best of what is, imagine what could be, discuss what should be and develop what will be.

Lucie will work with you in whatever way serves you best!

The coaching is designed to fit YOU!

(Note that coaching sessions can be held face to face or over the phone.)

Book your first complimentary coaching session today!

